The Knight and the Grinning Dragon: A Tale of Laughter and Delight.

Once upon a time, there was a knight named Sir Laughalot who lived in a kingdom filled with laughter and cheer. One day, while on a quest to find the source of all happiness, Sir Laughalot stumbled upon a dragon who was trying to steal all the joy in the land.

The dragon was very bright and tall, towering over Sir Laughalot. But Sir Laughalot was not afraid. He stood his ground and prepared for a fight.

As they squared off, Sir Laughalot noticed that the dragon had a funny sight. Instead of sharp teeth, it had a big grin, and its eyes sparkled with delight.

Sir Laughalot couldn't help but laugh, and the dragon started to giggle too. They both laughed so hard that they fell to the ground, still chuckling.

"I don't want to fight," said Sir Laughalot. "I just want to spread joy and happiness."

The dragon agreed, and from that moment on, the two became best friends. They traveled together, spreading laughter and delight wherever they went. And every night, they would gather under the stars and tell jokes until they fell asleep, laughing their heads off.

And so, the kingdom remained bright, joyful, and filled with laughter, right up until the end of time.


  • Why did Sir Laughalot want to find the source of all happiness?
  • What does the dragon look like?
  • How do Sir Laughalot and the dragon become friends?
  • What do Sir Laughalot and the dragon do every night?
  • Why is the kingdom filled with laughter and cheer?

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