The Wise Pine Tree: Dining on Wisdom, Not Treasure

Once upon a time, there was a pine tree who lived in a forest. One day, it heard about a mine filled with gold and silver. The pine tree was very excited and decided to go and see it for itself.

As it approached the mine, it noticed that the other trees around it were all declining. They were sad and wilted, but the pine tree didn't understand why.

It finally reached the entrance of the mine and asked the miner: "Why are the other trees declining?" The miner replied: "Because they don't know how to define their own value, they just mine for treasure."

The pine tree was so impressed by the miner’s wise words that it decided to dine on the wisdom and not the treasure. From that day on, the pine tree stood tall and proud and was always fine.

And that, children, is the story of the wise pine tree who learned to define its value and dine on wisdom, not treasure!


  1. What did the miner tell the pine tree about the other trees declining?
  2. Why did the pine tree decide to dine on wisdom instead of treasure?
  3. How did the pine tree feel after learning from the miner?
  4. What lesson did the pine tree learn about defining its own value?

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