The Picnic Adventure of Rate, Crate, Late and Friends

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends: Rate the rabbit, Crate the cat, Late the lion, Plate the penguin, Grate the gorilla and Date the deer. They were all excited to go on a picnic together but when they reached the gate, it was locked. State the squirrel came along and told them that the key was with him but he was running late for an important meeting with his boss. So, Rate suggested to use his speed to break the gate open and Plate offered to carry the picnic plates. Grate used his strength to make a table from the wooden crate. Finally, they all sat down for a picnic and enjoyed their meal, making funny faces at each other. They all laughed and had a great time together. The end.


  1. Who unlocked the gate for the friends to go on a picnic?
  2. What did Plate carry for the picnic?
  3. How did Grate help the friends during the picnic?
  4. Why was State running late for his meeting with his boss?
  5. How did Rate and his friends solve the problem of the locked gate?

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