The King and the Magic Ring Adventure

Once upon a time there was a king who loved to bring his friends along on adventures. One day, he asked them to join him in finding a magical ring that could make anything they wanted come true. They set off and soon came across a bird with a golden wing. The bird offered to help them find the ring if they would sing a song for it.

The king agreed and began to sing, but the bird didn't like his voice and flew away. The friends tried to cling to it, but only ended up flinging themselves into some bushes. They climbed out, covered in leaves and twigs, and decided to try something different. They gathered all the things they could find and built a machine to help them fly.

Finally, they reached the place where the ring was kept, but a dragon guarded it. The dragon demanded that they entertain it with a song. The friends started to sing, but the king realized that his voice was too weak. He grabbed a branch and used it as a microphone, pretending to be a rock star.

The dragon was so entertained that it gave them the ring and let them go. When they returned home, the king decided to use the ring to bring happiness to everyone in the kingdom. They all lived happily ever after, singing and flinging themselves into new adventures.


  • What did the bird want in exchange for helping the king and friends?
  • How did the king and friends reach the place where the ring was kept?
  • What did the dragon demand before giving the ring to the king and friends?
  • Why did the king use the ring to bring happiness to the kingdom?

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