Shell's Smelling Bell Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a small snail named Shell who loved to smell the flowers. One day, while on a walk, she came across a bell that had fallen from a church tower. She picked it up and decided to sell it at the market.

When she got to the market, she met a merchant who offered to buy the bell for a fair farewell price. Shell agreed and was excited to tell all her friends about her successful sale. However, as she was making her way back home, she realized that the bell had a magical power - it made everything smell amazing!

From then on, Shell decided to dwell in the market, ringing the bell and spreading joy with its heavenly scent. People from all over would come to visit her, and she became famous for her fragrant wares. And so, Shell lived happily ever after, ringing her bell and spreading sweet smells far and wide.


  1. What did Shell do with the bell she found?
  2. How did the bell change Shell's life?
  3. Why did everyone come to see Shell in the market?
  4. How did the story end for Shell?

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