Delay the Mischievous Clay Monster Learns to Play Nice

Once upon a time, there was a mischievous gray clay monster named Delay. He lived in a cozy bay by the ocean and loved to play with the other creatures there. But every day, he would cause some sort of trouble that would make everyone say "oh no! not again!" But no matter what, Delays response was always the same: "Okay, okay, I'll be good from now on" but he never kept his promise. One day, the other creatures had enough and decided to teach him a lesson. They worked together to create a beautiful statue of Delay in the center of the bay, hoping that he would learn to appreciate the art of creation. But as soon as they were done, Delay jumped up and said, "Wow, this is amazing! May I play with it?" To their surprise, Delay finally learned to appreciate the beauty of stillness and became the most well-behaved creature in the bay.


  1. What was the main character's name and what did he do?
  2. Why did the other creatures in the bay get upset with Delay?
  3. How did the other creatures teach Delay a lesson?
  4. How did Delay change after learning his lesson?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had to learn a lesson like Delay?

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