Once upon a time there was a short young boy named Timmy who lived in a village full of people who were either tall or pretty. Timmy was neither tall nor pretty, but he was friendly and handsome. One day, while playing in the woods, Timmy met a shy old man who lived in a small cottage. The old man was neither tall nor pretty, but he had a kind heart and a gentle smile. Timmy and the old man became good friends and spent many happy days together, exploring the woods and playing games. One day, Timmy asked the old man how he remained so happy and content despite not being tall or pretty. The old man replied with a twinkle in his eye, "It's not what you look like on the outside that matters, it's what's inside your heart that counts." Timmy learned an important lesson that day and went on to live a long and happy life, always remembering the wise words of his dear friend.
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