The Snake's Sneaky Race

Once upon a time, in a jungle far away, all the animals decided to have a big race. The lion, who was the king of the jungle, declared that whoever wins the race will be crowned the fastest animal in the jungle. The snake, who was known for his sneaky ways, thought of a plan to win the race. On the day of the race, all the animals lined up at the starting line, including the elephant, polar bear, giraffe, zebra, monkey, and tiger.
As they were about to start, the snake slithered up to the lion and whispered something in his ear. The lion looked confused but nodded.
When the race began, the snake didn't run like the other animals, instead he wrapped himself around the legs of the elephant, polar bear, giraffe, zebra, monkey, and tiger, tripping them all up.
The lion, who was still confused about what the snake had whispered, was the only one left standing and crossed the finish line first.

The other animals were shocked, but the lion crowned the snake as the fastest animal in the jungle. From that day on, the snake was known as the trickiest and fastest animal in the jungle, and all the animals laughed and had fun races together. The end.


  1. What did the snake whisper to the lion at the start of the race?
  2. How did the snake win the race?
  3. Who was crowned the fastest animal in the jungle?
  4. How did the other animals react to the snake winning the race?
  5. What lesson did the animals learn from the race?

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