Title: "The Seven Friends' Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, there were seven friends named One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven. They decided to have a picnic in the park. But, they couldn't agree on what food to bring.

One suggested they bring ONE type of food each, but TWO didn't like that idea. THREE thought they should bring THREE types of food each. FOUR was in favor of bringing FOUR different types of food. FIVE wanted to bring FIVE different types of food, while SIX preferred SIX different types of food. SEVEN, being the youngest, wanted to bring SEVEN different types of food.

Eventually, they decided to bring all the food they wanted, and they ended up with so much food that they had to invite the whole park to share it with them. And everyone lived happily ever after, with full bellies.

The end.


  1. How did the seven friends decide what food to bring to the picnic?
  2. Who wanted to bring the most food to the picnic and why?
  3. Who did the seven friends invite to share their food?
  4. What do you think the seven friends learned from this picnic experience?

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