The Impatient Boy and the Informal Fairy

Once upon a time, there was a young and immature boy named Timmy. Timmy was unable to do many things that other kids his age could do, like tie his shoelaces or make his bed. One day, he had an idea to create an impractical machine that would do everything for him! He wanted to be independent and not have to rely on anyone else. But, Timmy soon realized that his plan was inappropriate and uncomfortable because he was breaking the rules of being self-sufficient.

Timmy then decided to try to make his machine inexpensive by using invisible materials, but this made it unacceptable to his parents who thought he was being lazy. Timmy became impatient as he tried to find a solution, but it seemed impossible. That's when he met an informal fairy who told him that the best things in life can't be bought with money and that the real magic is within us. Timmy learned that being kind, helpful, and hardworking is more important than having an impractical machine.

The end.


  1. What was Timmy's original plan?
  2. Why did Timmy's parents not like his plan?
  3. What did the informal fairy teach Timmy?
  4. What is the real magic according to the story?
  5. Do you think Timmy learned a valuable lesson? Why or why not?

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