Billy's Magic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Billy who loved to write stories. One day, he decided to take a break from writing and go for a jump in the park. But when he landed, he found a book lying on the ground. He picked it up and started to read it. The book was about a magical world where people could draw anything they wanted and it would come to life.

Billy was so excited that he ran back home, grabbed his pencils and started to draw. He drew a beautiful lake with a floating island and a castle on top. To his surprise, as soon as he finished drawing, the lake, island, and castle all became real!

He jumped into the lake and started to swim. But then he saw a group of monsters chasing a mermaid. Billy quickly got out of the water, ran to the castle and climbed to the top. From there, he could see the entire magical world and all its wonders.

He picked up his pen and started to write a story about his adventure. And every time he wrote something, it came to life in the magical world.

The end.


  1. What was Billy's favourite activity?

  2. What did Billy find at the park?

  3. How did Billy bring his drawings to life?

  4. Who did Billy help in the magical world?

  5. What did Billy do when he saw the monsters chasing the mermaid?

  6. What did Billy write about his adventure?

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