The Musical Mix-Up

Once upon a time, there was a group of musical notes named E, B, C, G, D, A, and F. They all lived together in a symphony orchestra. One day, E decided to play a prank on the others by rearranging their seats in the orchestra. So, when the conductor raised his baton to start the music, chaos ensued! B was sitting where C should have been, G was sitting where D should have been, and so on. It was a hilarious scene as the notes tried to figure out where they were supposed to be. Just as the conductor was about to lose his patience, F came up with a clever solution. He suggested that they switch places every song, so that everyone would get a chance to play in different seats. And that's exactly what they did. From then on, the musical notes always had a great time playing together and never tired of their seats. The end.


  1. What did E do to cause chaos in the symphony orchestra?

  2. How did F solve the problem?

  3. Why did the musical notes switch seats every song after that?

  4. How do you think the musical notes felt about their new arrangement?

  5. Can you think of another solution to the problem that the musical notes faced?

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