Building a Better Future: The Story of Sarah, the Engineer

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah. She was very interested in economics, engineering and physics. She spent all her free time reading books about these subjects and learning as much as she could.

One day, Sarah decided that she wanted to become an engineer. She worked hard and graduated from high school with a diploma in engineering. She then went to college to study economics and physics.

While she was in college, Sarah joined a committee that helped to build a foundation for a school in a small village. The village was located in a country where the Taliban had taken control and there was a lot of controversy.

The committee worked hard to raise money and gather materials to build the school. They also worked with local engineers to design and construct the school. Sarah used her knowledge of economics and physics to help with the project.

Finally, the school was finished and the children in the village were able to go to school. Sarah was very happy that she was able to make a difference in the lives of the children in the village. She graduated with a diploma and got a job in a company as an engineer. She was very happy that she could use her skills to make the world a better place. The end.


  1. What was Sarah interested in when she was a young girl?
  2. What did Sarah study in college?
  3. What did Sarah do while she was in college?
  4. What was the goal of the committee Sarah joined in college?
  5. How did Sarah feel when the school was finished and the children in the village could go to school?

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