The Pretend Family Game

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who had a sister, a brother and a baby sibling. One day, their mother went to visit her parents (the girl's grandparents), so the father asked the children to take care of the baby. The sister and brother were worried, but their grandfather came to the rescue and suggested they play a game of pretend family. So, the girl became the mother, the boy became the father, and the baby became their own child. The grandfather and grandmother played along as well. Hilarity ensued as the kids tried to figure out how to be parents and grandparents, but in the end, they all had a lot of fun and realized taking care of a baby is a big responsibility!


  1. What did the father ask the siblings to do with the baby?
  2. Who suggested playing a game of pretend family?
  3. Who played what role in the game?
  4. What did the kids learn about taking care of a baby?
  5. What was the most fun part of the game?

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