The Tiger, Turtle, and Cat's Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, in a jungle far away, there lived a tiger who loved to play. He liked to play with his friends, a turtle and a cat. They would play all day until it was time for a nap. One day, they decided to have a picnic by the train tracks. They brought apples, cups and a table to sit on. But as they were eating, a hungry ant came along and wanted a bite of their apple. The tiger, being kind, shared his apple with the ant. Just then, a car drove by and picked up the ant, giving him a ride to his next adventure. And the tiger, turtle, and cat continued to enjoy their picnic by the train tracks, with lots of laughter and fun.


  1. What did the tiger, turtle and cat have during their picnic?
  2. Who joined the tiger, turtle, and cat during their picnic?
  3. How did the ant get to his next adventure?
  4. What was the tiger like in the story?
  5. Why did the tiger, turtle and cat have a picnic by the train tracks?

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