The Table's Prank: A Furniture Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a table that loved to play jokes on all the other furniture in the room. One day, the table convinced the pencil, book, pen and eraser to play a trick on the chair. They all agreed and decided to make it look like the chair was missing one of its legs. So when the chair sat down, it would tip over! The next day, the chair sat down as usual but suddenly tipped over, making the table and all the other objects burst out laughing. The chair was so surprised and couldn't understand what was happening. But then the table and the rest of the gag participants revealed the truth and the chair couldn't stop laughing too. From that day on, the table, pencil, book, pen, eraser, and chair became the best of friends and had many more silly adventures together!


  1. What was the table's trick on the chair?
  2. How did the chair react when it found out what happened?
  3. What kind of relationship developed between the table and the chair after the joke?
  4. What other silly adventures do you think the table, pencil, book, pen, eraser, and chair will have together?

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