The Great Mosquito Trap Adventure

Once upon a time, there was an ant who was always getting bothered by pests. One day, a mosquito came and sucked all the ant's juice. The ant was so mad that he decided to gather all his insect friends to teach the mosquito a lesson. The ant invited the spider, dragonfly, fly, beetle, snail, and ladybug. They all met at the ant's hill and had a big discussion about how to handle the mosquito problem.

The snail suggested they use his slow and steady approach, but the ant didn't think it would work fast enough. The beetle proposed using his tough exterior to squish the mosquito, but that idea was shot down because they didn't want to harm the mosquito. The fly suggested they use their flying skills to chase the mosquito away, but the dragonfly pointed out that the mosquito was much faster in the air.

Just then, the spider had a brilliant idea. She suggested they team up and use their unique skills to create a "Mosquito Trap." The snail used his slime to make a sticky trail, the beetle used his hard shell to hold the trap in place, the fly used his speed to lure the mosquito in, the dragonfly used her agility to guide the mosquito towards the trap, the spider used her webbing to secure the mosquito, and the ladybug used her cute appearance to distract the mosquito so it wouldn't escape.

The plan worked like a charm and the mosquito was finally captured! The ant was so grateful to his friends for helping him. From that day on, the ant lived peacefully without any more mosquito disturbances.

The end!


  1. Which insect had the idea to create a mosquito trap?
  2. How did each insect contribute to the trap?
  3. What was the outcome of the trap?
  4. Why did the ant live peacefully from then on?
  5. Can you think of another solution to handle the mosquito problem besides creating a trap?

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