The Adventures of Carl and Friends

Once upon a time, there was a car named Carl who loved to go on adventures. One day, Carl saw a kite flying high in the sky and decided to chase after it. As Carl zoomed down the road, he stumbled upon a robot playing with a ball. The robot asked Carl if he wanted to play too, and Carl eagerly agreed. As they played, a doll rode by on her bike and joined in on the fun. They spent the whole day playing and having a blast, until it was time for them to go home. From that day on, Carl, the robot, the doll, and the kite became the best of friends and went on many more adventures together.


  • What made Carl go on an adventure?
  • Who did Carl first meet while on his adventure?
  • How did the robot, doll and bike join in the fun?
  • Why did Carl, the robot, the doll, and the kite become best friends?
  • Can you think of any other adventures that Carl and his friends might go on?

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