The Wacky Adventures of Wobble

Once upon a time, there was a curious creature named Wobble. He had arms and legs that were all different lengths, so he always looked like he was about to fall over. One day, as Wobble was exploring the forest, he stumbled upon a magic potion. He drank it without thinking and suddenly, his arms and legs switched places! His arms were now legs and his legs were now arms.
Wobble was so confused, he tried to run but instead he fell flat on his face. Suddenly, his fingers grew longer and became hands. His mouth grew to the bottom of his body, and his nose became a knee. Wobble laughed at himself and decided that no matter how silly he looked, he would still go on adventures and have fun. And so, he lived happily ever after, waddling through the forest with his new wobbly parts.


  1. What happened to Wobble when he drank the magic potion?
  2. How did Wobble's arms and legs change after drinking the potion?
  3. What did Wobble do with his new wobbly parts?
  4. How did Wobble feel about his new appearance?
  5. Why did Wobble decide to go on adventures despite his new appearance?

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