The Adventures of the Super Sleepers

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Max who had a baby brother. He always wanted to play with his little brother but the baby just liked to sleep all day. One day, Max's sister suggested they dress up the baby as a superhero and have a secret adventure. Max loved the idea! They found a cape and mask for the baby, and they set off on their quest. Along the way, they met a girl who wanted to join their team. They called themselves the "Super Sleepers" and had a blast saving the world from boredom. When they returned home, Max's mother and father were amazed by the baby's newfound superpowers! From that day on, the baby was known as the greatest superhero of them all.


  1. What was the baby's new superhero name?
  2. Why did Max and his sister dress up the baby as a superhero?
  3. Who joined Max and his sister on their adventure?
  4. How did Max's parents react when they saw the baby dressed up as a superhero?
  5. What do you think would happen on the next adventure of the Super Sleepers?

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