The Rainbow Fly Adventure

Once upon a time, in a magical forest, there lived a seahorse named Sassy. Sassy was always looking for an adventure and one day she met a dragonfly named Daphne who offered to show her around. They flew over the forest and saw a snail named Shelly, who was moving so slow that they decided to race her.
The winner would get a prize from the hedgehog, who lived in the heart of the forest. They raced and Sassy won, but she felt bad for leaving Shelly behind, so she invited her to come along and collect the prize.
When they arrived, the hedgehog gave them a box of rainbow flies and told them that they were magical. If they ate one, they would be able to fly faster than ever before. Sassy and Shelly ate one each and they felt their bodies start to change.
They started to fly faster and higher, passing by a bee named Buzzy, a jellyfish named Jilly, and a worm named Wiggly. But then, they heard a loud noise and saw a ladybug named Lily, a chameleon named Charlie, and a raccoon named Rocky, who were all stuck in a tree.
Sassy and Shelly knew they had to help, so they flew to the tree and started to use their newfound flying powers to make the branches shake. Suddenly, a beaver named Benny appeared and tried to stop them, but when he saw what was happening, he joined in and helped them shake the tree until Lily, Charlie, and Rocky fell safely to the ground.
From that day on, Sassy, Shelly, Lily, Charlie, Rocky, and Benny became the best of friends and had many more adventures together. The end.


  1. Who is Sassy and what kind of creature is she?
  2. What happens when Sassy and Shelly eat the rainbow flies?
  3. Who are some of the creatures that Sassy and Shelly help in the story?
  4. Why do Sassy, Shelly, and their friends work together to save Lily, Charlie, and Rocky?
  5. What kind of adventure do you think Sassy and Shelly will go on next?

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