The Adventures of the Helpful Scissors and Friends.

Once upon a time, in a house full of silly objects, a pair of scissors wanted to explore the world. They snuck out from the drawer and went on an adventure. On their way, they ran into a bar of soap who was having trouble getting clean because it was too slippery. The scissors helped the soap by cutting it into smaller pieces so it could fit into the soap dish.
Next, they came across a lock that was stuck and couldn't open. The scissors used their sharp blades to pick the lock and set it free.
As they continued their journey, they met a comb who was all tangled up in some hair. The scissors carefully cut the comb free and then helped the comb untangle its teeth.
They even came across a stool who was feeling sad because it had lost one of its legs. The scissors offered to help by cutting a new leg out of a piece of wood.
Along the way, they encountered a curtain that was stuck and couldn't move. The scissors snipped the threads that were holding the curtain in place, and the curtain was finally able to move freely.
Eventually, the scissors and their friends came across a wardrobe that was filled with clothes but had no hangers. The scissors worked quickly to cut some hangers out of wire so that the clothes would have somewhere to hang.
The group also found a pillow that was flat and needed some fluff. The scissors carefully cut some feathers from a nearby blanket and used them to fill the pillow.
Lastly, they came across a cupboard that was overflowing with dishes. The scissors helped by cutting the dishes down to size so that they would fit neatly inside the cupboard.
And so, the scissors and their friends lived happily ever after, helping others and having fun along the way.


  1. What was the problem that the soap was having?
  2. How did the scissors help the lock?
  3. What did the scissors make for the wardrobe?
  4. What did the scissors use to fill the pillow?
  5. Can you list all of the objects that the scissors helped in the story?

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