The Skin and the Amphibians: A Tale of Scaly, Feathered, Gilled Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a skin who loved to play pranks. One day, he found a hive of bees and decided to have some fun. He climbed into the hive and started to tickle the bees with his scales. The bees got so tickled that they flew away, leaving the skin all alone.

The next day, the skin met some amphibians who were fascinated by his scales. They asked him if he could teach them how to swim with scales like he could. The skin agreed and soon the amphibians were splashing around in the water, trying to swim with their scales. But every time they tried, their scales would slip right off!

So the skin suggested they try something different and gave them feathers to see if they could fly like birds. The amphibians were up for the challenge, but they quickly realized they couldn’t fly without gills. So they went back to the skin, who suggested they try swimming with gills like mamals. And finally, they were able to swim just like the skin!

From that day on, the skin, amphibians, and mamals were the best of friends and had many adventures together. They even formed a club called “The Scaly, Feathered, Gilled Swimmers” and had a blast swimming and playing pranks on each other!


  1. What was the skin's favorite thing to do?
  2. What did the amphibians ask the skin to teach them?
  3. What did they try to do before they finally learned to swim like the skin?
  4. Who became friends in the end?
  5. What did the friends form after their adventures?

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