George the Gorilla and his Jellyfish Hat

Once upon a time, there was a gorilla named George who loved to eat grapes. One day, while munching on his grapes, he saw a fish jump out of the water. George was amazed and decided to try jumping like the fish.
However, every time he tried, he would only end up splashing back into the water. Just then, a hot flower appeared and suggested that George wear a hat to help him jump higher.
So, George put on a jellyfish hat and gave it a go. To his surprise, he was able to jump higher and finally reached the other side of the river! From that day on, George was known as the best jumper in the jungle and always wore his jellyfish hat. The End.


  1. Why did George want to jump like a fish?
  2. What did the hot flower suggest to help George jump higher?
  3. What was the result of George wearing the jellyfish hat while jumping?
  4. How did George become known in the jungle after he learned to jump?
  5. Do you think you would like to wear a jellyfish hat if it could make you jump higher?

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