The Key to Sweet Lemons Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a Monkey who lived in the jungle. He had a big nose that he loved to use for smelling sweet lemons all day. One day, he found a key and decided to find out what it opened. He asked his friend the Mouse for help, but the mouse only had a tiny nose so he couldn't smell anything. So, the monkey and the mouse went on a journey to find what the key opened.

Along the way, they met a Kangaroo who offered to help. The kangaroo had a long nose, but he was too busy jumping to join them. The monkey and the mouse continued their journey and finally met a Lion who had a strong sense of smell. The lion sniffed the key and said "I can smell something sweet, let's follow the smell." So, the monkey, the mouse, and the lion followed the smell of the key and eventually found a big lemon tree.

The lemon tree had a locked door and the key fit perfectly! They opened the door and inside they found a room filled with delicious lemons. The monkey was so happy and started eating lemons with his big nose. The mouse and the lion joined in and they all enjoyed the sweet lemons together. From that day on, the monkey, the mouse, the lion, and the kangaroo became great friends and had many more adventures in the jungle.


  1. Who helped the monkey and mouse find the source of the sweet smell?
  2. What did they find when they finally opened the door with the key?
  3. How did the monkey, mouse, lion, and kangaroo become friends?
  4. Can you think of another adventure the group could go on together?

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