Tim's Internship: A Lesson in Humane Treatment

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Tim who wanted to learn about being humane. He heard that the best way to do this was to get an internship at a local animal shelter.

Tim was so excited when he got the internship, and he learned so much about how to take care of animals and how to be kind to them. He helped transport animals to their new homes, and he made sure that they were comfortable during the trip.

But one day, Tim noticed something was wrong. He saw that one of the other interns was not treating the animals kindly. They were violating the shelter's rules by being rough with the animals and not giving them enough food and water.

Tim knew he had to do something to help the animals. He talked to the shelter manager, who listened carefully and took action. The intern was let go and the animals were given the care they needed.

From that day on, Tim knew that being humane was not just about being kind to animals, but also about making sure that others were treating them kindly too. He was proud of himself for standing up for what was right and making a difference in the lives of the animals at the shelter.

The end.


  1. What did Tim learn about being humane?
  2. Why did Tim talk to the shelter manager about the other intern's behavior?
  3. How did Tim make a difference in the lives of the animals at the shelter?

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