The Fashionable Sheep's River Adventure

Once there was a sheep who loved to wear fancy clothes. One day, he found a dress in a clothing store and decided to try it on. He put on the dress and looked at himself in the mirror. He felt so silly and funny that he started to laugh.

Then, he saw a pair of trousers and a jacket and decided to wear them too. When he walked out of the store, he saw a car driving by. The sheep jumped into the car and drove to the river.

He saw a boat and decided to go for a ride. As he sailed down the river, he felt the wind blowing through his hair and the sun shining on his face. He had so much fun that he forgot all about his silly outfit.

But as he was sailing, he saw a group of other sheep and they started to laugh at him. The sheep didn't mind though, because he was having too much fun to care. From that day on, he wore his fancy clothes every day and never stopped having a good time!


  1. Why did the sheep start wearing clothes?
  2. How did the sheep feel when he saw himself in the mirror with his new clothes on?
  3. What did the sheep do next after he found the boat?
  4. How did the other sheep react to the sheep's outfit?
  5. Why was the sheep not bothered by the laughter of the other sheep?

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