Arctic Animal Adventure: The Great Swimming Race

Once upon a time, in the Arctic, there lived six animals: a reindeer, a walrus, a penguin, a beluga whale, a polar bear, and a narwhal. They all lived happily together, playing and having fun.
One day, they decided to have a race to see who was the fastest swimmer. The reindeer thought he could win because he was very quick on land, but he didn't know how to swim!
The walrus was confident because he had a big belly, but he was slow and kept getting stuck in the ice. The penguin was very fast in water, but he kept sliding on his belly and couldn't go straight.
The beluga whale was the biggest and strongest, but she was too tired and didn't want to race. The polar bear was very athletic, but he kept getting distracted by the fish.
Finally, the narwhal won the race with his long, pointy tusk and quick swimming ability. They all cheered for him and celebrated with a big seafood feast!
And ever since then, the six friends continued to live happily in the Arctic, playing and having fun together.
The end.


  1. Who won the swimming race in the story?
  2. Why do you think the reindeer thought he could win the race?
  3. Who was the biggest animal in the race?
  4. Why did the beluga whale not want to participate in the race?
  5. What did the six friends do after the race?

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