Once upon a time there was a bed that loved to take naps. One day, it decided to go on an adventure and put on a belt to hold all its supplies. As it walked along, it saw a sign that said "10 miles to Tent City." The bed thought that sounded like a great place to rest, so it began its journey.
Along the way, it met a cow who offered it some milk. The bed drank the milk and felt so refreshed that it started to run. Suddenly, it tripped over a bell and fell into a tent.
Inside the tent, it found a desk who was very surprised to see a bed. The bed explained its adventure and asked if it could stay for a while. The desk agreed, and they became the best of friends.
Every night, the bed would tell the desk about its adventures and the desk would take notes. They had so much fun together that the bed decided to stay in Tent City forever.
The end.
-What was the bed's adventure about?
-Why did the bed put on a belt?
-What did the bed drink on its journey?
-What happened when the bed met the desk?
-Would you like to go on an adventure like the bed? Why or why not?
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