The Adventures of the Emotional Housemates

Once upon a time, there was a group of emotions named Surprised, Afraid, Sleepy, Angry, Happy and Sad. They lived together in a house and were always arguing about who got to control the host for the day.
One day, Surprised woke up and found that everyone else was still asleep. He decided to play a prank on them by rearranging the furniture in the house. When the others woke up, they were all surprised and afraid at the same time.
Sleepy was so sleepy that he tripped over a couch and fell asleep again. Angry got angry at Surprised for rearranging the furniture and started to yell at him.
Happy tried to cheer everyone up by dancing and singing, but it only made Sad even sadder because they wanted to take a nap.
In the end, they all agreed to take turns controlling the host and to not play pranks on each other. And they all lived happily ever after... well, except for Sleepy who was still very sleepy.


  1. How did the emotions feel at the beginning of the story?
  2. Why did Angry get angry?
  3. What did Happy do to cheer everyone up?
  4. How did the emotions solve their problem?
  5. Can you relate to any of the emotions in the story? If so, which one and why?

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