Mount Vicious' Surprise Eruption

Once upon a time, there was a volcano named Mount Vicious. It was known for being very active and always causing destruction to the nearby villages. The villagers were always worried about the volcano erupting and sending hot magma and cinders flying everywhere.

One day, Mount Vicious suddenly became quiet and the villagers thought it was finally dormant. But little did they know, the volcano had a surprise in store for them.

As the villagers were going about their daily lives, the ground beneath their feet began to shake. They looked up at the volcano and saw a huge surge cloud rising from the top. Suddenly, a geyser of magma shot out of the crater and debris started to rain down.

The villagers quickly realized that the volcano wasn't dormant after all and ran for safety. They watched as the magma flowed down the sides of the volcano, creating a huge caldera.

But as the eruption calmed down, the villagers saw that the volcano had actually helped to create new fertile land for them to grow crops on. From then on, they lived in peace with Mount Vicious and respected the power of nature.

The end.


  1. Why were the villagers worried about Mount Vicious?
  2. What did the villagers think when Mount Vicious became quiet?
  3. What happened when the ground started to shake?
  4. How did the eruption of Mount Vicious help the villagers?
  5. Why did the villagers start living in peace with Mount Vicious?

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