The Rainbow Picnic Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends: Orange, Red, Green, Brown, Blue, Pink, White, Yellow, and Black. They all lived in a magical kingdom filled with rainbow trees and candy clouds. One day, they decided to have a picnic together.

As they sat down to eat, Orange noticed that everyone brought a different colored food. She had brought orange slices, Red brought strawberries, Green brought apples, Brown brought cookies, Blue brought blueberries, Pink brought cotton candy, White brought marshmallows, Yellow brought bananas, and Black brought licorice.

Just as they were about to start eating, they heard a rumbling noise. Suddenly, a giant monster appeared, who only ate one color of food! The friends quickly realized they had to work together to defeat the monster.

They divided the food into separate piles based on color. Orange, Red, and Pink worked together to lure the monster over to their pile of red, pink, and orange snacks. The monster took a bite, but suddenly turned green and ran away!

The friends discovered that the monster didn't like the combination of red, pink, and orange foods. So, they continued to mix and match different colored foods until the monster was defeated.

From then on, the friends always made sure to bring a variety of colored foods to their picnics to keep the monster away. And they all lived happily ever after!


  1. What were the colors of food each friend brought to the picnic?
  2. Who appeared when they were eating their picnic?
  3. What did they do to defeat the monster?
  4. What did they learn about the monster's favorite colors of food?
  5. Why did they always bring a variety of colored foods to their picnics after that day?

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