The kingdom of Freshwater and the Drought of Climate Change

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a kingdom called Freshwater. The people of Freshwater were very proud of their land, for it was blessed with bountiful rivers, lakes and wells that provided them with the most delicious and fresh water to drink. But one day, a terrible thing happened. The kingdom was hit by a severe drought, and the rivers, lakes, and wells began to dry up. The people were in a state of panic, for they knew they could not survive without water.

The king of Freshwater was a wise and kind ruler, and he knew that something had to be done to save his people. So, he called a meeting of all the wise men and women of the kingdom to discuss the problem. After much discussion, they all agreed that something had to be done to save Freshwater from the effects of climate change.

The king ordered that all the remaining water be rationed carefully, so that everyone would have enough to drink. He also ordered that all the wells and rivers be cleaned, so that the water would be as pure as possible. The king also sent his men to other kingdoms to find out how they were dealing with the drought.

One of the kingdoms they visited was called Distribute. The people of Distribute had built a system of canals that carried water from the mountains to the lowlands. The king of Freshwater was very impressed and ordered his men to build a similar system in Freshwater. The canals were built in a short time, and soon water was flowing into the kingdom once again.

The people of Freshwater were overjoyed, and they thanked the king for his wise decision. From then on, they made sure to conserve water and take care of the environment, so that they would never have to suffer from a drought again. And they all lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. How did the people of Freshwater feel when they realized their water sources were drying up?
  2. What steps did the king of Freshwater take to solve the drought problem?
  3. How did the people of Freshwater change their behavior after the drought was solved?

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