The Body's Silly Adventures

Once upon a time, there was a silly toe who thought it was a finger. It tried to pick things up with its pointy end, but always dropped them. One day, it met a foot and asked for help. The foot suggested that the toe try using its flat bottom to balance things. The toe tried it and finally succeeded! From then on, the toe was proud to be a part of the foot and not a finger. Meanwhile, in another part of the body, a belly was having trouble seeing what was going on. So, it asked an eye for help. The eye said it would lend its vision to the belly, but only if the belly promised to keep its hair tidy. The belly agreed, and with the eye's help, it was able to see all the adventures happening around it. Finally, the hand, knee, and leg were playing a game of catch, but they needed one more player. So, they asked the belly to join in. Despite its round shape, the belly was a great catch and soon became the star player of their team. In the end, everyone learned that even the silliest parts of the body can have important roles to play.


  1. What did the toe learn about its role in the body?
  2. Why did the belly want to see what was happening around it?
  3. What was the game that the hand, knee, and leg played with the belly?
  4. Who helped the belly see better?
  5. What did the different body parts learn about each other in the story?

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