The Picnic in the Jungle

Once upon a time in a jungle, a bird was flying and saw a crocodile. The bird said "Hey Crocodile, do you want to be friends?" The crocodile replied "Sure, but I have a reputation to keep, I can't be seen hanging out with just any bird." So the bird suggested they bring along some friends and have a picnic.

They invited an eagle, frog, giraffe, came, dolphin, hare, bear, fox, elephant and a fish. They all gathered in a clearing and had a great time, eating and playing games.

But then the elephant asked the crocodile, "Why are you so grumpy all the time?" The crocodile replied "I'm trying to keep up my tough image, but it's hard work!" So they all laughed and from that day on, the crocodile was always in a good mood. The end!


  1. Why did the bird want to be friends with the crocodile?
  2. How did the crocodile feel about being friends with the bird?
  3. Who came to the picnic and why was it important?
  4. What was the problem with the crocodile and how was it solved?
  5. What lesson did the animals learn at the end of the story?

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