The Jungle Sing-Along Adventure

Once upon a time, in a jungle filled with strange creatures, a parrot named Polly lived. One day, while Polly was flying around the jungle, he saw a bear named Benny struggling to reach some honey up in a tree.
Polly flew down to help and offered to fetch the honey for Benny. But just as Polly was about to grab the honey, an elephant named Ellie trumpeted loudly and scared the bejeezus out of the both of them!
Together, Polly, Benny and Ellie went on a wild adventure to find their friends the bird, lion, panda, eagle, owl, and polar bear to see what all the commotion was about.
After encountering a series of silly mishaps, they finally discovered that the source of the noise was an owl who was trying to sing a song but was tone-deaf.
Everyone had a good laugh and then sang a beautiful song together under the stars. From that day on, they all went on many more fun adventures and lived happily ever after.


  1. Who is Polly and what does he do?
  2. What kind of adventure do Polly, Benny, and Ellie go on?
  3. Who was making all the noise and why?
  4. What did the animals do after they found the source of the noise?
  5. What did the animals learn from their adventure?

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