Belly's Big Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a giant named Belly. Belly had an eye as big as a basketball, teeth as long as legs, and fingers as tall as trees. One day, while on a walk, Belly tripped on its knee and fell, breaking its foot. As Belly tried to stand back up, it noticed its hair had gotten tangled in its toes and its hand was caught in its mouth. Belly laughed and wiggled around until it finally freed itself, but from that day on, Belly made sure to watch where it was going and keep its hair out of its toes.


  1. What happened to Belly's foot when it tripped on its knee?
  2. Why did Belly's hair get tangled in its toes?
  3. How did Belly get its hand out of its mouth?
  4. What lesson did Belly learn from its adventure?

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