The White Cloud's Clever hide-and-seek

Once upon a time, in a magical land of colors, there lived 7 friends - Pink, Green, Blue, Orange, Red, Black and Brown. One day, White came to visit them and asked if they could play together. They agreed and decided to have a color party.

During the party, Pink suggested they play a game of hide-and-seek. White agreed but said they could only hide behind objects that match their color. The others agreed, and off they went to find the perfect hiding spot.

Blue hid behind a big blue flower, Green behind a tree, Orange behind an orange pumpkin, Red behind a red rose bush, Black behind a black rock, Brown behind a brown mushroom, and Pink behind a pink cloud.

But White couldn't find a white object to hide behind. Just then, a mischievous bird flew down and painted everything white with a magic paintbrush. When it was time to be found, White was nowhere to be seen.

The friends searched high and low, but still couldn't find White. Just when they were about to give up, they heard a giggle coming from above. They looked up and saw White floating on a white cloud, laughing at their confusion.

The friends all laughed and had a great time at the color party, grateful for the silly bird who brought some extra fun to their day. And from that day on, White was known as the best hider in all the land of colors.


  1. What was the game that the color friends played?
  2. How did White find a place to hide?
  3. What happened when everything turned white?
  4. Who made everything white?
  5. Why was White considered the best hider?

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