Once upon a time, there was a group of friends named Dance, Stand, Read, Play, Cook, See, Sing and Sit. They lived in a magical kingdom where everything revolved around having fun. One day, they decided to throw a big party.
Dance tried to dance, but he kept falling over. Stand tried to stand on his head, but he couldn't balance. Read tried to read a book while spinning, but he got dizzy. Play tried to play hide and seek, but he kept hiding in plain sight. Cook tried to cook a cake, but it turned into a giant mess. See tried to see the future, but she only saw clouds. Sing tried to sing a song, but he couldn't remember the words. And Sit just sat there, enjoying the show.
In the end, they all realized that having fun doesn't mean you have to be the best at everything, it just means you're having a good time. So they all joined in the dance, singing and laughing together. The end.
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