The Adventures of Hairy Leg and her Tickle Toe

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Hairy Leg. She had hair on her legs that was so long and curly, she could braid it. One day, she tripped and fell, and her foot got stuck in a tree root. She tried to wiggle it free, but the more she moved, the tighter it got. Suddenly, her belly started to rumble. She realized she was hungry and decided to grab a snack from her pocket. As she reached for her food, she noticed her finger was covered in sticky syrup. She licked it off and continued to munch on her snack. Suddenly, her toe started to tickle, so she tried to reach down to scratch it. But, she couldn't reach because her knee was in the way! Frustrated, she closed her eye and took a deep breath. When she opened it again, she saw a big, juicy apple hanging from a tree. She tried to grab it with her teeth, but it was just out of reach. So, she used her hand to pluck it from the branch. And, just like that, her hunger was satisfied, and she was on her way again. The end.


  1. What was the girl's name and why was she called that?
  2. What happened to her foot?
  3. How did she try to get her food?
  4. Why couldn't she reach her toe?
  5. What did she do to satisfy her hunger?

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