Once upon a time in the jungle, an elephant, hare, bear, lizard, and fish decided to have a race. The winner would get a big feast cooked by the crocodile. The eagle was the referee and the fox was the commentator.
As the race started, the elephant was ahead, but then the hare zoomed past him. The bear, who was slow and steady, was catching up. The lizard was slithering through the grass, while the fish was swimming in a nearby stream. Suddenly, a bird flew by announcing that a dolphin had just entered the race!
The dolphin came closer and closer, but just as she was about to win, a frog hopped out of nowhere and crossed the finish line first. The giraffe, who was watching from the sidelines, declared the frog the winner.
All the animals were surprised, but they were happy for the frog and cheered as the crocodile cooked up a delicious feast for everyone to enjoy.
The end.
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