Sofia's Wacky Adventure

Once upon a time there was a brave adventurer named Sofia who loved to explore new lands. One day she packed her swimsuit, scarf, blouse, helmet, trainers, ring, and belt for her latest adventure. However, as she was getting dressed, she realized that all her clothes were mixed up! She put on her swimsuit as a hat, her blouse as pants, her trainers as gloves, her ring as a belt, and her scarf as a helmet!
She laughed at how silly she looked and set off on her journey. When she encountered a group of pirates, they were so surprised by her strange outfit that they didn't even try to attack her. Instead, they asked if they could take a picture with her! From that day on, Sofia became known as the wackiest adventurer in all the land. The end.


  1. What was Sofia's adventure about?
  2. How did Sofia mix up her clothes?
  3. How did the pirates react to Sofia's funny outfit?
  4. What did Sofia become known as after her adventure?
  5. Can you think of another silly outfit for Sofia to wear on her next adventure?

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