The Colorful Adventure: A Story of Friendships and Fun

Once upon a time, there was a colorful world where all the objects were different colors. One day, pink, yellow and white decided to play hide and seek. They closed their eyes and started counting. When they opened their eyes, they couldn't find each other!

So, they started looking for each other and asking for help from the other colored objects. Brown suggested they go to the forest where he had seen many colorful objects hiding.

When they reached the forest, they saw blue, green and purple playing together. The three of them joined forces and started searching for pink, yellow and white. Suddenly, they heard a voice calling for help. It was red who was stuck in a bush. They helped red and he joined their search.

After wandering for a while, they finally found orange who was trying to climb a tree. They asked for his help and he happily joined them. As they continued their search, they stumbled upon black who was sleeping under a tree. They tried to wake him up, but black was a heavy sleeper. So, they decided to paint him with different colors and see if that would wake him up.

It worked! Black woke up and was shocked to see his new colorful appearance. He joined the group and they finally found pink, yellow and white who were hiding in a cave.

They all had a great time playing together and realized that no matter what color they were, they could all be friends. And so, they lived happily ever after in their colorful world.


  1. What do you think the message of the story is?
  2. What did the different objects learn about friendship in the story?
  3. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  4. Do you think it's important to be friends with people who are different from you? Why or why not?

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