Adventure on the Wild Safari

Once upon a time, there was a group of animals who loved to play together. One day, the eagle had an idea for a new game. "Let's pretend we're on a safari!" he said. The others all agreed and decided to take turns being the guide.

The first one up was the camel. He led the way, pointing out all the different animals they saw along the way. The parrot flew overhead, squawking excitedly about the panda munching on bamboo. The owl hooted from a tree branch, while the giraffe stood tall, pointing out the lion napping in the grass.

As they continued on their safari, the bird chirped about a herd of elephants in the distance. The polar bear shivered in excitement, imagining himself as a fierce hunter in the Arctic. The monkey swung from tree to tree, pointing out the bear fishing in a nearby stream.

Finally, they reached the end of their journey and they all cheered. "That was the best safari ever!" they exclaimed. And from that day on, they went on a safari adventure every chance they got.


  1. Who led the group on their safari adventure?
  2. What was the giraffe pointing out in the grass?
  3. Who imagined themselves as a fierce hunter in the Arctic?
  4. What did the animals cheer at the end of the story?
  5. What was the bear doing in the nearby stream?

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