Sally and Her Toy Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. She loved to play with her toys, especially her ball, jump rope, yo-yo, bicycle, and her favorite doll and teddy bear. One day, she decided to take her toys on an adventure.
First, she rode her bicycle to the train station. She put her doll and teddy bear in the basket on the front of her bike and set off. When she arrived at the station, she put her bicycle in the train's luggage compartment, and then she and her toys got on board.
The train ride was exciting as they passed through different landscapes and saw many sights. After a while, the train arrived at a new town where Sally and her toys got off. They walked for a while and came across a big playground where Sally played catch with her ball, jumped rope, and even tried to master her yo-yo.
After some time, Sally and her toys were getting tired, so they decided to head back home. Sally spotted a car and asked the driver if they could give her and her toys a ride. The driver agreed and they hopped in the back seat.
When they got home, Sally was so happy to have had such a fun adventure with her toys. From that day on, she knew that with her toys by her side, anything was possible.


  1. What was Sally's favorite toy and why did she like it the most?
  2. What new place did Sally and her toys explore during their adventure?
  3. How did Sally and her toys get back home after their adventure at the playground?

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