The Body's Groovy Dance Party

Once upon a time, there was a body that loved to dance. One day, the body's neck led the way and started swaying, then the head joined in with a nod. The hands couldn't resist the beat and started clapping, the shoulders followed by shimmying. The elbows got in on the action with some funky moves, and even the wrists got in on the fun, snapping their fingers. Suddenly, the arms couldn't control themselves and started flailing about, causing the whole body to spin and twirl. The body danced so much that it became tired and decided to take a nap. And that's how the body learned to have fun while keeping all its parts moving.


-What did each part of the body do in the story?
-How did the body feel at the end of the dance party?
-Can you think of another story where different parts of the body work together?
-What do you think would happen if the legs joined the dance party?

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