The Adventures of the Brave Letters: E, J, B, L, G, D, I, A, H, F, K, and C

Once upon a time, there was a group of letters: E, J, B, L, G, D, I, A, H, F, K, and C. They lived in a world where they could form words and sentences to create stories.
One day, J said, "I'm feeling adventurous! Let's go on a journey." And so, off they went.
E, who was always the optimist, suggested they visit a castle. "I heard the king is looking for a new word to put on his flag."
B, L, and G were skeptical, but D, I, and A were eager to find out more.
H suggested they take a shortcut through the forest, but F warned of the dangerous creatures that lived there.
K and C, who were always up for a challenge, bravely lead the way.
As they made their way through the forest, they encountered a dragon who demanded they tell him a joke. K came up with a pun: "Why did the dragon cross the road? To get to the knight club!" The dragon laughed so hard, he let them pass.
Finally, they arrived at the castle and the king was impressed by their wit and bravery. He declared their joke the winner and put it on his flag.
From that day on, the letters lived happily ever after, always ready for their next adventure.


  1. Who were the main characters in the story?
  2. Why did the letters go on a journey?
  3. What was the challenge they faced in the forest?
  4. How did the letters solve the problem in the forest?
  5. Who was the king and why was he important in the story?

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