The Silly Chicken and the Strange Tea

Once upon a time, a chicken named Chirpy lived on a farm. Chirpy loved to eat rice and potatoes, but one day she found a basket of cherries that she had never tried before. She ate them all and felt very silly because she didn't know that eating too many cherries could make her get a tummy ache! Chirpy's friends the fish and the egg decided to help her by making her some tea. But they only had bread, onions, and oranges to add to the tea, so it didn't taste very good. Chirpy drank it anyway and felt better, but then she realized she was out of milk for her cereal in the morning. So, she went to bed hoping she would feel better in the morning. The end.


  1. What did Chirpy eat that gave her a tummy ache?
  2. What did the fish and egg add to the tea to help Chirpy feel better?
  3. What did Chirpy forget to have for breakfast the next morning?
  4. How did Chirpy feel after drinking the strange tea?

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