The Tasty Fruit Kingdom Contest

Once upon a time, there was a fruit kingdom where all the fruits ruled. One day, King Mango declared a contest to see who was the tastiest fruit in the kingdom. The contestants were Orange, Carrot, Pineapple, Lemon, Onion, Watermelon, Banana, Apple, Grapes, and Lime.

King Mango put them all in a big basket and asked the court jester to taste each one. The jester took a bite of Orange, but it was too sour. Carrot was too crunchy, Pineapple was too sweet, Lemon was too bitter, Onion was too spicy, Watermelon was too juicy, Banana was too mushy, Apple was too boring, Grapes were too sour, and Lime was just right!

King Mango crowned Lime as the tastiest fruit in the kingdom, and all the other fruits were happy for their new king. They all celebrated with a big feast filled with juicy watermelons and sweet bananas. The end.


  1. What was the contest about in the fruit kingdom?
  2. Who won the contest and why?
  3. How did the other fruits react to the winner?
  4. Can you think of another fruit that could have joined the contest?
  5. Which fruit would you have liked to taste?

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