The Eraser's Party

Once upon a time, there was a pencil named Peter and a pen named Penelope. They lived in a world filled with books, tables, chairs and erasers. One day, while they were sitting on a table, they noticed that the eraser was feeling sad.

Peter and Penelope asked the eraser what was wrong and the eraser said, "I feel like I'm not useful anymore. People use pencils and pens to write, but they never use me."

Peter and Penelope decided to help the eraser feel better. They came up with a plan to have a big party for all of the stationery items in their world. They invited all of their friends, including books, tables, chairs, and other erasers.

At the party, they played games and danced. But the highlight of the party was when they had a contest to see who could erase the most with the eraser. The eraser was so happy because he was finally being used!

In the end, the eraser realized that he was just as important as the pencils and pens, and from that day on, he was never sad again. And Peter, Penelope, and the eraser all lived happily ever after.


  1. How did the pencil and pen feel when they saw the eraser was sad?
  2. Why did Peter, Penelope, and the eraser hold a party?
  3. What happened at the party that made the eraser feel important?
  4. How did the eraser feel at the end of the story?
  5. Do you think it's important to make others feel good about themselves? Why or why not?

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